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The Mounzer Foundation provides limited scholarships for students who excel in their studies, at highschool and college level. An application is filled and an essay to determine the eligibility of the students is required.

NewGen Peacebuilders

Dr Mounzer was the chair of NewGen Peacebuilder program in VA, Rotary District 7570. Now with District 7680 in Mooresville, NC , he worked with Patricia shaeffer founder of the NewGen Peacebuilders and George Beyrouti from Beirut Cosmopolitan Rotary Club to bring the program to College students in Lebanon. This was done successfully in 2021 and more than 90 students participated in the program.

Life Coaching

Dr Mounzer is a Professional Certified Coach, and a member of the International Coaching Federation. He provides support and coaching to people who are experiencing the negative effects of stress, and recently to the victims of the blast in Lebanon, to help them deal more effectively with stress, so they can move forward with clarity, understanding and confidence. Dr Mounzer works also with SOS Children Village in Bhersaf/Bikfaya to provide support for Moms and children.



Celebration of the Legal Aid Project 


Mounzer Foundation for Service and Education

(Lebanon Chapter)

Registered under n. 247/2005 – JO n. 48, dated 27/10/2005


On the 16 th of July 2021, at 7 pm, a ceremony was held at the premises of Mounzer Foundation for Service

and Education in Mehaidse/Bikfaya, to hand over certificates of participation to the volunteers who are cooperating with the Legal

Aid Program offered to the victims of the Beirut port explosion on the 4 th of August 2020.


Members present:

 Dr. Assaad Mounzer, Founding member, President of Mounzer Foundation (Lebanon & USA

 Dr. Rabih Freiha, Treasurer of Mounzer Foundation (Lebanon)

 Mrs. Leila Mounzer Chakar, Secretary of Mounzer Foundation (Lebanon)

 Mr. Jean Nader, Accountant of Mounzer Foundation (Lebanon)

 Mrs. Carla Mounzer, Member of Mounzer Foundation (Lebanon & USA)


The volunteers (all brilliant law students) introduced themselves and talked about their current jobs, and the past projects they

worked on. They described also their experience with the Legal Aid project, especially that the related event had a very peculiar impact on their lives. They showed their enthusiasm and confirmed that they had learnt a lot through this experience. 

They all expressed their will to continue their work in the project.


Dr. Marie Ghantous informed the group that the President of Republic of Lebanon countersigned a Law voted by the Parliament to exempts the victims from paying judiciary fees for future legal actions, which created a big relief for the Foundation to minimize the cost to move forward with the project.

Finally, the Certificates were handed over to the volunteers:


 Mr. Yorgo ABI KHALIL

 Ms. Nicoletta AKIKI

 Ms. Nermine Aziz

 Ms. Lea BOU ENEK

 Ms. Christelle JARJOURA

 Ms. Rachelle SALIBA

Ms. Ghiwa ABOU HAMDANE were not able to attend and her certificate was sent to her.


A small reception followed the ceremony, and meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Legal Aid

Dr Marie Ghantous  PhD, is a certified lawywer and started the initiative to provide legal aid at no cost to the victims of the blast in Lebanon. She partnered with the Human rights Legal clinic at University La Sagesse in Lebanon.

Many Law students participated in the research and were honored in the summer of 2021 with certificated of appreciation, see above.

Human Rights

Dr Marie Ghantous, PhD,  has been a spokewoman about human rights and rights of women to be protected against violence, and also to provide 100% equal status with men concerning their rights to give their children the lebanese idendity. She has also a program on the Lebanese radio station for education on human rights. 


Dr Mounzer is a certified MLP Mindfulness teacher, he facilitates workshops and has a weekly meditation program to assist people finding their inner peace and balancing their emotions. If you like to join his meditation every Wednesday Noon, EST (NY Time) this is the link: 

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